Alcune volte è davvero impossibile esprimere le sensazioni di felicità ed euforia che solo i posti nuovi ti danno, come passeggiare lungo il Landwehrkanal in Kreuzberg con tuo marito, perdersi tra i libri e le fanzine da Motto, mangiare deliziose torte salate a ogni ora del giorno e fotografare giganteschi mammut di carta sugli alberi. Quando sei lontano da casa, anche solo per lavoro, ogni singola, semplice cosa sembra speciale e non importa quanto duri, tu la ricorderai per sempre. Ecco un altro piccolo report della nostra visita a Berlino.
Expressing euphoric and happy sensations that only new places can give you, could really be impossible sometimes. Like walking along Landwehrkanal in Kreuzberg with your husband, getting lost between books and fanzines at Motto's, eating delicious salty cakes at every hour of the day and taking pictures of giant paper mammoths that are hanging on the trees. When you are far away from home, even if it's just for a work trip, every little simple thing seems special, and it doesn't matter how long it will last for: you'll remember it for ever. Here we are with another little report from our visit in Berlin.
Expressing euphoric and happy sensations that only new places can give you, could really be impossible sometimes. Like walking along Landwehrkanal in Kreuzberg with your husband, getting lost between books and fanzines at Motto's, eating delicious salty cakes at every hour of the day and taking pictures of giant paper mammoths that are hanging on the trees. When you are far away from home, even if it's just for a work trip, every little simple thing seems special, and it doesn't matter how long it will last for: you'll remember it for ever. Here we are with another little report from our visit in Berlin.
Cazzo il vinile di Moonrise Kingdom!
RispondiEliminaSpedo tu ne abbia comprato uno in più, lo cerco da 3 mesi.
Oppure dimmi dove l'hai preso!
Ciao Marco, l'abbiamo acquistato nell' angolo vinili del " KulturKaufhaus Dussmann "
RispondiEliminaun bookstore e multimedia in pieno centro a Berlino Friedrichstrasse, 90.
Grazie, il bello è che adesso me lo devo andare a prendere!
RispondiEliminaGiovedì prossimo me lo guardo al cinema!