novembre 22, 2010

Coffee n Television on SLAM X HYPE

SLAMXHYPE, uno dei piu' influenti blog di cultura & costume contemporaneo, ha fatto una lunga intervista a Silas Adler & Stine Kinch, proprietari del fantastico brand avanguardistico Soulland (disponibile in negozio da Dicembre).

L'intervista viene focalizzata specialmente sull'ultimo progetto che hanno affrontato:
l'apertura di un negozio d'abbigliamento a Copenhagen chiamato US. IMPORT. Siamo felicissimi, perche' nel descrivere la scena dei negozi piu' interessanti in Europa, Silas ha nomitato tra il famosissimo Goodhood di Londra & Pigalle di Parigi anche Coffee.n.Television di Bergamo!!

qua l'estratto:

SLAMXHYPECan you provide us with a great insight to how you perceive the stores will fit into the Copenhagen scene, the European scene as well as on a global scale?
Silas - I think that we are bringing something new to Copenhagen and that will definitely have an impact on the city. The store isn’t located in the center of the town but it’s still in a location that’s central and we pretty much have the area to our self. It’s cool to see more independent stores opening up and making noise all over Europe, like when Niels and Aude opened Hunting & Collecting in Brussels the word spread quite fast because it was clear from the beginning what they wanted the store to be very personal. The same goes for Goodhood in London, Coffee n Television in Bergamo, and Pigalle in Paris. Independence and originality is universal and Europe is doing it very well at the moment! Maybe we should start the European Independent Original Store Union.

: )

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